Precision Manufacturing of Wood Products Wood Preservers and Distributors
Solidwood Forest LTD. offers a range of premium lumber products to the building supply industry. Solidwood Forest is able to offer unsurpassed customer service because we only purchase from the best mills and deliver product using our own fleet of trucks. With our own on-site equipment, Solidwood Forest is fully equipped to provide services like custom remanning, milling distinctive patterns, precision trimming, kiln drying, dog-earing, and more.
With a combined 100 years of service, our sales team, backed by Koppers tech support, can handle any question you may have. Our facilities span 48 acres and offer a diverse line of products allowing us to easily sell, service and distribute to customers across the greater Houston area and throughout Texas.

Wood Preservation
The mission of Solidwood Forest LTD. is to be Texas' top producer of high-quality wood products and wood preserver. Our intention is to become your preferred distributor. Our customers benefit from dependable convenience and have complete faith in our ability to match our commitments thanks to our skilled staff, a varied line of products, and a wide range of services >>>